Anonymous authentication that does not reveal identity
Open API

The Challenge
“If the Anonymous Authentication method proposed by your company qualifies as a method to verify identity without using a resident registration number in accordance with Article 23-2(2) of the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, or as a method to allow membership registration without using a resident registration number in accordance with Article 24-2(3) of the PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT, it would also be considered appropriate for verifying age and identity as stipulated in Article 17 of the Enforcement Decree of the YOUTH PROTECTION ACT.”
< Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Youth and Family Policy Office >
“The use of this service by the client company does not appear to be substantially different from the use of age and identity verification services provided by official identity verification institutions. Moreover, it does not contradict the intent of the YOUTH PROTECTION ACT. Therefore, it can reasonably be considered a lawful method for verifying age and identity.”
< Bae, Kim & Lee LLC, Personal Data Protection Team >
— Paul Kim, CEO
“BBaton’s blockchain server ensures the integrity of anonymous authentication information, leveraging the characteristics of blockchain technology, which allows for knowing the balance of a cryptocurrency wallet without revealing the identity of its owner.”